Preliminary Exclusive Batches
Preliminary Examination
UPSC Preliminary Services Examination commences generally in the month of August.
Civil Services Aptitude Test
The Preliminary Examination of Union Public Service Commission for Civil Services Examination has got two papers as General studies and CSAT. The CSAT, the second paper, was introduced in 2011. The CSAT was implemented to end the use of scaling system for varying subjects in the General Studies paper and was a matter of concern for many Civil Services councillors. With the introduction of the CSAT, the UPSC now intends to choose Civil Servants who not only have the knowledge but also the aptitude for reasoning and analytical brain.
There are some changes made in the Civil Services Examination from 2013. It's for the first time the Indian Forest Service (IFS) aspirants were combined with the Civil Services aspirants and are made to take Preliminary examination. Those Indian Forest Service aspirants who may eventually clear the Preliminary examination have to write separate exams for their Mains Indian Forest Service examination.
There is also a pattern change in the Civil Services Mains examination introduced from 2013. Now there are four compulsory papers of General Studies, there is only one optional subject now instead of two, plus there is one compulsory essay paper. English and one language paper is of only qualifying nature.
Scheme of Civil Services Examination
The Civil Services Examination consists of two successive stages -
Scheme of Preliminary Examination
This examination is meant to serve as a screening test only; the marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main Examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination will be about twelve to thirteen times the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year in the various Services and Posts. Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary Examination in the year are eligible for writing the Main Examination of that year.
UPSC Preliminary Examination Syllabus
Syllabus of Paper I -(200 marks) Duration : Two hours
Syllabus for Paper II-(200 marks) Duration: Two hours
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