IAS TODAY, Study Centre for IAS, is the Top IAS Coaching Centre for imparting IAS Prelims coaching  in Chandigarh and surrounding region . It is the premier institute that imparts coaching and guidance to young and dynamic aspirants and moulds them into successful Civil Servants serving the nation. The institute has got a glorious work history of more than ten years consistently emphasized on producing quality candidate to fit into august services.

IAS TODAY, Study Centre for IAS, Best IAS Coaching institute in Chandigarh lays importance on quality coaching, factual understanding, analytical reasoning, decision making ability, personality development through its various interactive programmes. The institute helps in successfully translating the dreams of candidates into reality in couple of years.


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We are providing online Tutorial

Head Office

#219 ,Ground Floor


Near Punjab University

Chandigarh (India)

Mobile No: +91 9888775173